with a former prosecutor now working for you
A Minnesota Lawyer Practicing Solely in Criminal Defense
Chris Karpan Law, LLC
Being charged with a crime is frightening, for both the person charged and anyone who cares about them. A criminal conviction can change your life forever. Even a juvenile delinquency adjudication can close doors for a young man or woman twenty years into the future. The lawyer you choose makes a difference.
Prior to opening this private practice, I prosecuted felony level offenses in the state for over 18 years and was the Douglas County Attorney from 1999 through 2010. I have tried just about every type of criminal case and I can bring order to what might seem to you like a hopelessly confusing situation. I am a passionate hunter and cringe at the thought of Minnesotans with a love for the outdoors being denied that love. From DWI defense to much more serious charges, from helping you get your driver’s license back to protecting your firearms rights, in adult court or in juvenile court, from Aitkin County to Yellow Medicine County (there is no County that starts with “Z”) I am here to use my knowledge, experience and skill to protect you.
No junior associates, no answering services, no screening calls, no BS. I’ve been in the criminal courtroom for over 25 years and take care of my clients with a passion. If you’re in trouble with the government, come see me. I’ll protect your back, get you sleeping again at night and get you some peace of mind.

Have You Been Monkeying Around and the Police Want to Talk to You? Here’s Your Free Advice

1. You didn't see anything.
And neither did your buddy.

2. You didn't hear anything.
You've always been told that you're a terrible listener.

3. Don't say anything.
Keep your mouth shut and call me.
If I could have found a stock photo of a monkey not letting the game warden into his house, I would have included that, too.
Things You Need to Know
Free Case Evaluation
If you’re searching for a lawyer – or maybe just a little legal advice – message me to receive a free case evaluation. I have thousands of clients who are happy to vouch for me.
Past Clients
Everyone knew I shot first. Everyone. But I had Chris Karpan as my lawyer and what happened? Nothing. Greedo is still dead and I’m still rockin’.

All I ever did was sell beer and whiskey to our best people. All I ever did was supply a demand that was pretty popular. Why, the very guys that make my trade good are the ones that yell the loudest about me. Some of the leading judges use the stuff. Public service is my motto, and Karpan makes sure I'm always there to protect and serve.